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David Tompkins Profile Picture David Tompkins, Chemistry Instructor
David Tompkins is an experienced Chemistry Instructor and the Founder of chemguides. He has served in instructional roles in the chemistry departments of UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University.

Since 2013, David has built a private tutoring enterprise that serves undergraduate students in general, analytical, organic, and biological chemistry. His experience encompasses more than 15,000 hours of 1-on-1 & group tutoring, lecturing and production of course guide & video content.

David is committed to the personal, professional, and academic success of his students. His instructional techniques & resources are designed to equip students to excel in challenging subjects. This time-tested approach has empowered more than 1000 chemistry students nationwide.

Visit the Testimonials page to read some of the success stories. Contact us today to lock in your 'A' in chemistry!
Ben Profile Picture Ben Girodas, Physics & Math Instructor

While pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of Michigan, I worked as a lab instructor for introductory physics labs. As I progressed through the program, I found myself enjoying my teaching duties more than my research duties. Seeing students' “ah-ha” moments, i.e. when they finally understand a concept, was just so rewarding. Eventually, I decided to leave the PhD program, taking a Masters degree, in order to teach more. Over the last few years, I have tutored online over 500 hours, teaching the subjects of physics and calculus.

I offer individualized one-on-one or group tutoring sessions, complete with practice homework problems. My training as a physicist allows me to break down complicated or difficult problems into their essential components, leading to insight. And so, my lessons, tailored to the needs of the student, focus on understanding the key concepts. If you understand the fundamentals, you can apply them to a wide variety of problems. Practice problems are also a crucial component as these are key to success. During my over 10 year long study of physics, I have picked up many good habits when calculating solutions, like checking the validity of a solution using a simpler analogous problem. I can teach you how to apply these kinds of skills, which will help you succeed now and lay the foundations for future success.

Looking forward to helping you succeed!