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Free Content

Subject: Free Content

Instructor: David Tompkins


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Videos Included:

1. Hybridization and Structural Analysis

2. Resonance

3. Resonance: Application

4. Acid-Base: Application II

5. Stereochemistry

6. IUPAC Nomenclature & Stereochemistry

7. Polar Reactions

8. The Reaction Coordinate Diagram

9. Alkene Reactions: Intro

10. Reactions of Alkenes with HX

11. Alkene Reactions: Carbocations

12. Dienes and Delocalization

13. Conjugated Dienes: MO's, 1,2/1,4 Additions, and K vs. T

14. Conjugated Dienes: Diels Alder

15. Alkyne Reactions: Intro

16. SN2

17. Competition between SN1 and SN2

18. 1H NMR: Chemical Shift

19. 1H NMR: Topicity & Equivalence

20. 1H NMR: Chemical Equivalence

21. 1H NMR: Integration

22. 1H NMR: Splitting

23. 1H NMR: Solving Spectra: Techniques

24. 1H NMR: Structural Elucidation I

25. 1H NMR: Structural Elucidation II

26. 1H NMR: Structural Elucidation III

27. 1H NMR: Structural Elucidation IV

28. Alkyne Reactions: Intro

29. Dienes and Delocalization

30. Conjugated Dienes: MO's, 1,2/1,4 Additions, and K vs. T

31. Diels Alder

32. Trends in Carbonyl Reactivity

33. Carbonyl Reactivity: Reduction with Hydrides

34. Acetal Formation & Fischer Esterification

35. Condensation Reactions of Aldehydes & Ketones

36. Intramolecular Wittig Olefination

37. Synthesis via Carbonyls

38. Enolate Named Reactions: Aldol, Claisen, Michael, and Robinson

39. Acid-Base: Electrolytic Compounds

40. Acid-Base: Leveling Effect

41. Acid-Base: Mass Balance

42. Acid-Base: Charge Balance

43. Acid-Base: Systematic Treatment of Equilibria

44. Amino Acids: Structure, Titrations, Buffers, and Ion-Exchange Chromatography

45. Amino Acids: pI and Chirality

46. Amino Acids: Structures and Characteristics

47. Amino Acids: Polyprotic Acids and Equilibria

48. Amino Acids: Structure, Titrations, Buffers, and Ion-Exchange Chromatography

49. Primary Structure and the Peptide Bond

50. Sample #1

51. Sample #2

52. Sample #3

53. Sample #4

54. Sample #5

55. Sample #6

56. Sample #1

57. Sample #2

58. Sample #3

59. Sample #4

60. Sample #5

61. Sample #6

62. Sample #1

63. Sample #2

64. Sample #3

65. Sample #4

66. Sample #5

67. Sample #6

68. Sample #1

69. Sample #2

70. Sample #3

71. Sample #4

72. Sample #5

73. Sample #6

74. Sample #1

75. Sample #2

76. Sample #3

77. Sample #4

78. Sample #5

79. Sample #6

80. Enzyme Kinetics

81. Modes of Enzymatic Inhibition

82. SN1 vs. SN2 vs. E1 vs. E2

83. Reaction Mechanisms

84. Elimination

85. Nucleophiles, Leaving Groups, and Solvents

86. Electrochemistry: Vocabulary of Redox

87. Electrochemistry: Oxidation States

88. SN1 vs. SN2 vs. E1 vs. E2

89. Reaction Mechanisms

90. Elimination

91. Nucleophiles, Leaving Groups, and Solvents

92. Amine Synthesis via SN2

93. Activation & Substitution of Alcohols

94. Acid-Catalyzed Hydration & Dehydration

95. Alcohol Substitution & Synthesis

96. Synthesis via Alkenes, Alkynes, Alcohols, and Ethers

97. Structure & Stability of Radicals

98. Aldol Reactions: Crossed, Intramolecular, and Retro

99. Enolates 5: Claisen Condensations

100. Claisen and Dieckmann Condensations II

101. Michael Addition & Robinson Annulation

102. Enolate Retrosynthesis

103. Basicity of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds

104. Amine Synthesis via SN2

105. Metabolic Themes I: Reversible vs Irreversible Reactions

106. Metabolic Themes II: Anabolism vs. Catabolism

107. Metabolic Themes III: Oxidative Decarboxylation

108. Metabolic Themes IV: Thioester Intermediates

109. Metabolic Themes V: Succinate Dehydrogenase

110. Metabolic Themes VI: Oxidative Phosphorylation

111. IMF's Intro

112. IMF's Intro KEY

113. Equilibrium & Free Energy

114. Equilibrium & Free Energy KEY

115. Predict pH of Electrolytic Solutions

116. Predict pH of Electrolytic Solutions KEY

117. Ideal Gases Problem Solving I

118. Ideal Gases Problem Solving I KEY

119. Thermodynamics of Solvation

120. Thermodynamics of Solvation KEY

121. Phase Diagram Concepts

122. Phase Diagram Concepts KEY

123. Mechanisms & The Reaction Coordinate I

124. Mechanisms & The Reaction Coordinate I KEY

125. Voltaic Cells Concepts I

126. Voltaic Cells Concepts I KEY

127. RNA Structure & Metabolism

128. Transcription

129. Translation

130. Lipids Intro

131. Lipids Overview

132. Unit Conversions & Nomenclature

133. Precipitation Reactions & Stoichiometry

134. Combustion, Stoichiometry, and Molecular/Empirical Formulae

135. Thermochemistry: Combustion & Calorimetry

136. Thermochemistry: Enthalpy of Dissolution

137. Thermochemistry: Enthalpy of Formation & Decomposition

138. Quantum Numbers, Electronic Configurations, and Periodic Trends

139. Covalent Bonding: Lewis Structures, Resonance Contributors, Formal Charge, and Bond Order

140. Hybridization and Structural Analysis

141. Lewis Structures, Bonding, Hybridization, Resonance, and Geometry

142. Structure, Bond Order, Formal Charge, Oxidation State & Resonance

143. Thermochemistry: Bond Dissociation Energies & Enthalpy of Reaction

144. Spectroscopy: EM Radiation

145. Spectroscopy: Energy, Wavelength, and Frequency Calculations

146. Acid-Base: Electrolytic Compounds

147. Acid-Base: Leveling Effect

148. Acid-Base: Mass Balance

149. Acid-Base: Charge Balance

150. Acid-Base: Systematic Treatment of Equilibria

151. Acid-Base: Weak Monoprotic Equilibria

152. Acid-Base Monoprotic Titration I: Titration Curve

153. Acid-Base Monoprotic Titration I: Initial pH

154. Acid-Base Monoprotic Titration I: Buffer Region

155. Acid-Base Monoprotic Titration I: Equivalence Point

156. Acid-Base Monoprotic Titration I: Beyond Equivalence Point

157. Acid-Base: Fraction of Association & Dissociation (Monoprotic)

158. Acid-Base: Determining Keq & Autoprotolysis

159. Acid-Base: Determining Keq (Monoprotic)

160. Electrochemistry: Vocabulary of Redox

161. Electrochemistry: Oxidation States

162. Electrochemistry: Balancing Aqueous Redox Reactions

163. Electrochemistry: Voltaic Cell

164. Electrochemistry: Standard Reduction Potentials

165. Electrochemistry: Mathematical Concepts

166. Electrochemistry: Electrochemistry Problem Solving

167. Electrochemistry: Equilibrium, Free Energy, and Potential

168. Electrochemistry: Nernst Equation Calculations I

169. Electrochemistry: Nernst Equation Calculations II

170. Electrochemistry: Relating Ksp and Potential

171. Electrochemistry: Standard Hydrogen Electrode



"David was practically the only reason I got an A in organic chemistry. He was on time, prepared, and always went above and beyond to teach me concepts and make sure I was prepared for exams. Couldn’t have done it without him!"

"I highly recommend David for organic chemistry tutoring. He is extremely knowledgeable and great at explaining both the essential foundations and tricky, higher-level concepts."

"Coming up with hundreds of exam-like questions on the spot, David has challenged me to think critically and comprehensively about chemistry. He has helped me to believe in myself and has instilled a sense of confidence in my ability to excel in chemistry that I didn't have before knowing him. Never being condescending, David will answer all of your questions, going above and beyond what any professor ever will."

“David tailored every moment of our sessions to fit my needs and supplied me with countless practice problems and explanations. He patiently clarified concepts and taught me strategies that helped me reason through and solve complex problems.”

“David can actually teach - not just answer questions like most tutors. You can come to him with a topic you are struggling with and he will run with it, coming up with problems on the fly and making sure you truly understand the material. He took me from a student who got a 50 on my first orgo exam to an A- student.”

"Working with David has completely changed how I view the subject of Chemistry. A class like Orgo once intimidated me, but having him in my corner gave me the skills and confidence to conquer the course."